Sunday, September 30, 2012

Family Search Family Tree available

Family Search Family Tree is available and will replace It is not completely "done" but has been in use since March.  Any one wishing to get on Family Tree need only type the following into the Internet browser address line  (It is an underscore before "tab".)

Instead of opening to a different site, it opens in  From now on every time opens and you sign on in the upper right corner a new tab will be available.   The FamilyTree tab is on the top row toward the left.  You can not see the FamilyTree tab unless you are signed in and have gone through the "invite" process.  It is a bit confusing, since there is already a "Tree" tab. 

Family Search Family Tree has some great features - we can fix things that are incorrect and add sources.

I have been cleaning up the record of John Neff, our pioneer ancestor.  I spent several hours this week separating the different John Neff's in (new.FS).  I then went into Family Search Family Tree (FT) and cleaned up the main record of our John Neff.

Our John Neff has a PID # 94T7-LL9
Mary KWVS-7G9
Barbara KWVL-F5S
Franklin KWJC-58H
Cyrus 2WJ8-DKQ
Mary Ann KWVL-F5L
Susannah KWNR-GXZ
Benjamin KWNL-DKG
Elizabeth KWN4-JR6

I am now going to check some of the other John Neffs.

John KWVS-7G3
Mary KWVS-7G9
Barbara KWVL-F5S  The other children seem to have the same numbers.

I am now looking at the other John Neff's who are the father of Barbara
John MRLG-PWF  - there are children that belong to the Pleasant Grove John.
  I have taken all the wrong wifes and children out.  However, many of them are not gone.  I don't know what to do. 

So, I am deleting John Sr and Barbara Herr.  John Sr has 174 combinations, and many names.  John Moser and Jacob Palmer and others.  Some are married to a Barbara Herr.

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