I am so glad you stopped by the Blog. I hope you find some information that will be helpful. Please feel free to send me any questions or comments. There are several articles about John Neff our pioneer ancestor here. Please scan them all. I am currently posting the newsletters, The Neff Times, that were printed and mailed to known family years ago. Each of these includes announcements of activities and reunions that we have had. Please don't get too confused.
I would like to hear from you. Please email me at Alice@Neff.ws and I would be happy to answer any questions I can about John Neff and Mary Barr.
I have had several comments from the "other John Neff's" family and I know nothing else about that line. We were confused for a long time about why Susanna Gazy kept showing up as having married our John Neff when he had just arrived in Salt Lake and the marriage took place in Winter Quarters. So we did enough research to show the 2 John's are different people.